About Roz
Morning run, evening yoga, walking the dog, learning something new, gratitude.
Doing my research, on coaching calls with my wonderful clients, working with teams, walking.
A quick fix, running before we can walk, blame or shame.
The power of the mind, evidence-based solutions, compassion, that we all need a bit of support sometimes.
With a background in psychology and coaching, I have always been fascinated by the profound impact of mental and emotional wellbeing on physical health. This fascination led me to pursue research in occupational health, psychology & management along with extensive training in coaching and functional imagery training (FIT), a groundbreaking approach that harnesses the power of imagery to inspire change and foster healing.
"I like to help my clients find the space they need to respond to those moments that can either propel them towards their goals or hold them back"
Level 4 Certificate in Ingrating Mindfulness & Compassion in professional practice (cpcab)
Certified Functional Imagery Training advanced Practitioner (University of Plymouth)
Level 5 Diploma in Integrated Health & Nutrition Coaching (Active Health Group)
The business coaching programme (the BCA)
foundations for imagery coaching & imagery coaching: functional imagery training & beyond (imagery coaching)
Professional Doctorate in Occupational Health, Psychology & Management (Research: Workplace Loneliness In Those Living With & Beyond Cancer)
working on:
BSc (Hons) Psychology -
first class hons
My Favorite Things
Studying — I love to learn and I love to help people. My Doctorate allows me to do both!
my happy place!
Snuggled up with a good book - what's your favourite read?
Getting out to walk this gorgeous boy. Meet Ledley, possibly my biggest fan!
My Favorite Things
Sunshine. Wayfarers kickstarter semiotics, quinoa godard dreamcatcher hexagon pop-up hoodie.
Ice cream. Microdosing gochujang keffiyeh salvia. Hoodie knausgaard art party.
my guilty pleasure
Photos! Hashtag fashion axe palo santo fanny pack, ramps cornhole messenger bag asymmetrical.
let's meet!
If you would like to learn more about me, my research or the services that I offer, please feel free to book a FREE 30-minute consultation. I would love to meet you.
Get In Touch