Provide your team with the tools they need to be their best and improve your working environment.

occupational health coaching

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185.6 million



Working days lost 

Return on investment 

Absenteeism Reduction

due to sickness or injury during 2022 - a 25% increase on 2021 data

for every £1 spent on health & wellbeing initiatives, an average return of £4.70 may be achieved

in a programme which included health coaching with 1,256 participants. 

Time to act on employee health 

*UK & I Health Coaching Association


*Henley Business School

My coaching framework to achieve results

  1. Discovery Call: Needs Assessment to identify areas where you feel coaching is needed and can be most beneficial; Approach Overview to explain my coaching style, tools, and expectations.
  2. Pre-coaching Assessments: Personality Assessment to gain self-awareness and deep insights; Baseline Assessments to establish a baseline for the coachee's current situation (e.g., stress levels, confidence).
  3. Coaching Sessions: 4x 1-hour coaching sessions
  4. Booster Sessions: 30-minute sessions should they be needed post coaching.

“As a coach, Roz has this extraordinary ability to completely disarm clients instantly, cutting through all the noise and ego and getting right to the nub. Roz draws on a deep well of skills and knowledge, but actually I think it's her ability to read people, her kindness and her honesty that make her so special.”


Functional Imagery Training

Within my coaching, I use Functional Imagery Training (FIT),  a mental training technique that involves vividly visualising desired outcomes or behaviours. FIT has been shown to achieve sustainable results when applied to improve health and resilience, above those achieved by traditional coaching methods alone.

By mentally rehearsing positive outcomes, individuals can strengthen their mental representations of these outcomes, making them more likely to occur in reality, increasing confidence and self-efficacy. 

Book A call →

Invest in your employees' well-being today. Get in touch or schedule a free consultation to meet me and learn more about how coaching can benefit your team.


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