
The Transformative Power of Imagery


If I could offer you a way, that is 5x more effective than motivational interviewing, to achieve your goals – you’d take it, right?

Coaching with Imagery stands at the forefront of personal transformation, offering a unique approach to achieving our goals. Through the power of mental imagery, FIT has proven effective across diverse domains—non-runners completing ultra-marathons, individuals overcoming weight challenges, and even those seeking freedom from cravings and bad habits.

Why Imagery Works

At its core Functional Imagery Training (FIT) is based on the spirit and principles of motivational interviewing combined with Elaborative Intrusion Theory. FIT elicits emotion and motivation and helps us change the channel when we are triggered.  By engaging multiple senses in the visualisation process, imagery creates a compelling mental blueprint for success, whatever your goal.

Need Some Evidence?

Functional Imagery Training (FIT) is grounded in evidence. Studies have shown that FIT is 5x more successful than Motivational Interviewing alone (Rhodes et al., 2021), enhances grit (“a personality trait associated with perseverance for a long-term goal”) (Rhodes et al., 2018), facilitates increased and sustainable weight loss (Solbrig et al., 2015) and reduces snacking (Andrade et al., 2016). 

The Process

Coaching with imagery offers sustainable results, but it may be a little slower than you are used to. This is a good thing! We can often emphasise swift progression and quick results – especially those of us who have a more action orientated personality type. However, this rush towards achieving goals, while seemingly efficient, can inadvertently may make us jump into action and overlook the deeper, more sustainable growth processes essential for true transformation. 

Taking the time to deeply engage with our values, thoughts, feelings, and behaviours allows for more meaningful self-reflection and insight. This deliberate pace fosters a deeper understanding of personal motivations and barriers, enabling more significant and lasting change. In the context of coaching with imagery this slower, more reflective approach enhances the effectiveness of coaching, allowing us to fully immerse in and strengthen our visualisations. By parking the rush for rapid action in favour of a more thoughtful journey, we can achieve greater clarity, resilience, and ultimately, more impactful and enduring success.

Why Imagery is a Game-Changer in Professional Development

The principles of FIT— visualisation, goal setting, and overcoming mental barriers—are not just limited to personal development. In the corporate world, these techniques can be harnessed to enhance leadership qualities, improve team dynamics, and foster innovation. At Positively Life we not only use the power of imagery to support your team to achieve their personal goals, but we also draw on imagery within the RESET resilience programme. This programme creates a culture of resilience and adaptability within the corporate environment and has been shown to enhance performance, reduce stress & anxiety and increase wellbeing.

Embrace Your Own Coaching with Imagery Journey

Whether your goal is health & wellbeing, professional excellence or team growth, coaching with imagery offers a transformative path. Get in touch today and tap into the power of your imagination to unlock your full potential.


Andrade, Jackie, et al. “Functional Imagery Training to Reduce Snacking: Testing a Novel Motivational Intervention Based on Elaborated Intrusion Theory.” Appetite, vol. 100, May 2016, pp. 256–262,

Rhodes, Jonathan, et al. “Enhancing Grit through Functional Imagery Training in Professional Soccer.” The Sport Psychologist, vol. 32, no. 3, 1 Sept. 2018, pp. 220–225,

Rhodes, Jonathan, et al. “From Couch to Ultra Marathon: Using Functional Imagery Training to Enhance Motivation.” Journal of Imagery Research in Sport and Physical Activity, vol. 16, no. 1, 1 Jan. 2021,

Solbrig, Linda, et al. “Functional Imagery Training versus Motivational Interviewing for Weight Loss: A Randomised Controlled Trial of Brief Individual Interventions for Overweight and Obesity.” International Journal of Obesity, vol. 43, no. 4, 5 Sept. 2018, pp. 883–894,,

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