Functional Imagery Training

Enhancing Performance Through Mental Imagery


One of the core tools I use in my coaching practice is Functional Imagery Training (FIT) – where multi-sensory imagery is blended with Motivational Interviewing. Creating vivid mental images can help enhance performance in various fields from sport, academia, work, and health. In this blog we’ll explore effective visualisation techniques and discuss how they can help you reach your goals.

Understanding Imagery

Imagery involves using your mind’s eye to create vivid and detailed mental pictures. It’s something that we do naturally all the time. How often have you imagined getting home on a Friday night and having your weekly takeaway? The sight, smell, taste? Unfortunately, we don’t often apply this skill with any purpose, which is a shame as these images can be used to simulate real-life experiences, such as practicing a specific skill, competing in a challenging situation, or achieving a desired outcome. By consistently practicing imagery, you can increase motivation, confidence and train your brain to be prepared for challenges.

Key Imagery Techniques:

  • Create a Vivid Mini Movie: You can really let loose! The more detailed and realistic your mental image, the more powerful it will be.
  • Use All Your Senses: Fully engage your senses to create a multi-sensory experience – we even add emotion and motion to our imagery in FIT.
  • Practice, practice, practice: Don’t worry if your imagery isn’t too vivid at first – it’s something that gets better with practice! Consistency is key.

Benefits of Imagery:

  • Better Performance: Visualisation can help you improve physical skills, mental focus, and overall performance.
  • More Confidence: By imagining yourself succeeding, you can boost your self-belief and overcome self-doubt.
  • Less Anxiety: Visualisation can help you manage stress and anxiety by preparing your mind for challenging situations.
  • Improved Decision-Making: Visualising different outcomes can help you make more informed and confident decisions.
  • Goal Achievement: Visualising your goals can help you stay motivated and focused on achieving them.

Imagery is an amazing, flexible tool that we can draw on to achieve our goals or overcome challenges. Get in touch if you would you like to explore specific applications of imagery.

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